What is a Mention?

During a Signature process, it is sometimes necessary to ask Signers to add a visual Mention (e.g., "read and approved").

The Mention Field allows you to display a Mention in a Document while avoiding manual input for the Signer.

Here is a list of mentions usually added in a Document to sign:

  • “Approved”
  • “Signed on %date%”

Mention creation

Before jumping to the creation options, let’s review the main characteristics of a Mention:

widthWidth of the Mention. Optional.

• If not set, the width is automatically calculated with Mention length.
• 24px is the minimum authorized.

Height of the Mention. Optional.


• The default value is based on the number of line breaks in the Mention content.
• The height must take into account the font size (10px) and the line height (1.5).
• To calculate the height, please use this formula: height = (nb of lines) x font-size (10) x line height (1.5)
mentionContent of the Mention.

You can use dynamic tags when creating the Mention:
%date% will display the current date when the Signer sign the Signature Request (eg. "24-03-2022")
%datetime% will display the current date and time when the Signer signs the Signature Request (eg. "24-03-2022 10:30 UTC+0")

• Maximum 255 characters allowed
• HTML content is not allowed
fontDefine the font family, color, size, and style variant configuration. Optional.

Mention creation with Smart Anchors

To create a Mention using Smart Anchors, all you have to do is to add this tag to your Document:

  • Pattern: {{signer_index|mention|mention_content}}
  • Example: {{s1|mention|Read and approved on the %date%}}

The Signers index (s1, s2, s3, etc) is determined by the Signers order in the Signature Request. If the index references a non-existent Signer, the Field won’t be created.

Mention creation with API endpoints

To create a Mention using the API endpoints, you have two options:

  1. Create a Signer and a Mention at the same time using this endpoint:/POST /signature_requests/{signatureRequestId}/signers
  2. Add a Mention to an existing Signer using this endpoint:/POST /fields/{signatureRequestId}/documents/{documentId}/fields. This is the option to favour if you want to customise the Metion, as detailed below.

Retrieve a Mention value once the Signature Request is signed

To retrieve a Mention value, you will need to:

  • Fetch Mentions related to a specific Signer using this endpoint:/GET /signature_requests/{signatureRequestId}/documents/{documentId}/fields&signer_id[eq]=500800fc-3f91-4e86-a9c9-866809a1e3c9s&type[eq]=mention.
  • For each Mention retrieved in the response payload, the mention parameter will contain the Mention field value.


Mention appearance

You can configure the font family, color, size, and style variant of a Mention. To do that, you have to fill in the font parameters when creating a Mention with the following values.

familytrue• String of font family name (valid values are available in the API Reference)
• Default value is Inconsolata
colortrue• Hexa string of the desired color
• Default value is #000000
sizetrue• Integer value of the desired pixel size
• Min size: 7px
• Max size: 96px
• Default values is 12px
variantstrueObject containing the following possible values: "variants": { "italic": false, "bold": false }

⚠️  Font customisation is subject to the following rules: