Advanced use cases for delivery mode

The delivery modes allow you to choose whether you let Yousign manages the notification or you retrieve the signature link.

Thanks to the advanced use of those delivery modes, you can handle more complex use cases:

You can define the delivery mode at the Signer level.

When you have several Signers, it is possible to define different delivery modes for each Signer. This way, one Signer is able to sign face-to-face while the other Signer receives an email with the signature link sent by Yousign. To sum up, it is a mix: the delivery mode is none for one Signer and the delivery mode email for the other one.

It is still required to define the delivery mode at the Signature Request level.
The delivery mode sets at the level of the Signature Request is applied for all Signers. If you want a different delivery mode for one or several signers, you can override it for the concerned signers and it will be applied for them.

          "info": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "phone_number": "+33700000000",
            "locale": "fr"
          "signature_authentication_mode": "no_otp",
          "signature_level": "electronic_signature",
          "delivery_mode" : "email",
          "fields": [
              "document_id": "{$documentId}",
              "type": "signature",
              "height": 37,
              "width": 85,
              "page": 1,
              "x": 0,
              "y": 0

You can retrieve link of the Signature Request using all delivery modes

You can retrieve link of the Signature Request when you activate it, for both delivery modes email and none. You can find it in payload of the answer.

It is useful if you need to retrieve the signature link even if Yousign manages Signer's notifications.

Be aware that the signature link is valid for 48 hours by default, but it can be set from 1h to 72h by requesting modification to our customer care team. New validity length will be applied to the whole organisation.

Expiration date for a signature link is also available in payload so once it is expired, call Get Signer to generate a new signature link.

If you sign face-to-face, let Yousign manages the email flow

Manage this case thanks to the Custom Experience

  1. Set a custom experience and choose not to send the email with the signature link (as you want the Signer to sign face-to-face, you don't want to send the email with the Signature link)
        "name": "CX no invitation email",
        "disabled_notifications": [
  2. Initiate a Signature Request:
    1. Choose the delivery mode email
    2. Associate created Custom Experience
  3. Upload a document and add Signers
  4. Activate the Signature Request
  5. Retrieve Signature link for Signer that will sign face-to-face
  6. Signer signs with this link that you provide
  7. Signer receives the email of signature's completion


This behavior will be applied to all the Signers of the Signature Request as the Custom Experience is set for the Signature Request.