Choose the right signature level for your Electronic Seal
As for Signature Requests, the eIDAS regulation defines several levels of Electronic Seals. We currently support all of the three existing levels :Simple, Advanced and Qualified levels. The below table lists typical use cases for these levels. Please reach out to your customer representative to advise on the level best suited for your use case.
Level | signature_level field | Sample use cases |
Simple | electronic_signature | Quotes, meeting minutes, reports |
Advanced | advanced_electronic_signature | Payslips, digitisation of paper expenses and invoices |
Qualified | qualified_electronic_signature | Electronic invoices, Notarial deeds |
Please note that the Advanced Seal and the Qualified Seal requires the creation of a certificate dedicated to your organization.
For the Advanced Seal, we will need to complete an identity verification process for a legal representative from your company.
For the Qualified Seal, we will need you to generate a cryptographic key pair (public and private key), along with verification for a legal representative from your company. This is required to meet the standard's maximum security level.
Please reach out to your customer representative to enquire about the actions required to activate the Advanced or Qualified seal level.
Updated about 1 month ago