Email customization

Customise the content of emails received by Signers

The email customisation for Signers is useful if you want to personalize your communication to align with your brand identity or provide signers with specific instructions.

How it works

It is possible to customise the content of the emails sent to signers using the custom_text parameter.

You will be able to change the email subject and body content of:

  • the first email sent to the signer to notify them about the signature
  • email reminders

Formatting rules:

  • You can add a line break in the body content by adding the \n character.
  • To ensure security and compatibility across email clients, links and HTML tags are not accepted.


Here is the payload of a Signer creation with customised emails.

    "info": {
        "first_name": "randomFirstName",
        "last_name": "randomLastName",
        "email": "",
        "locale": "fr",
        "phone_number": "+33600000000"
    "signature_level": "electronic_signature",
    "signature_authentication_mode": "no_otp",
  // emails customisation
    "custom_text": {
    		"request_subject": "New subject",
    		"request_body": "The body of the email I want to display",
    		"reminder_subject": "New reminder subject",
    		"reminder_body": "The body of the email reminder I want to display"
  // end of emails customisation

    "fields": [
         "type": "signature",
         "document_id": "xxxxxxxx",
         "page": 1,
         "x": 400,
         "y": 650,
         "height": 37,
         "width": 180