Read-Only Text

What is a Read-Only Text Field?

A Read-Only Text Field allow you to add static content to a Document. It is useful for inserting after the Document upload: legal disclaimers, instructions, reference numbers, or any predefined text that must remain unchanged.

A Read-Only Text Field is visible to all signers and cannot be modified, serving solely as an informational element within the Document.


Read-Only Text Field creation

Before jumping to the creation options, let’s review the main characteristics of a Read-Only Text Field:

widthWidth of the Read-Only Text Field. Optional.

• If not set, the width is automatically calculated with the read only text length.
• 24px is the minimum width authorized

Height of the Read-Only Text Field. Optional.

• The default value is 24px
• 1px is the minimum value authorized
• The height must take into account the font size (10px) and the line height (1.5). To calculate the height, please use this formula: height = (nb of lines) font-size (10) line height (1.5)
textStatic text to display on the Document.
fontDefine the font family, color, size, and style variant configuration. Optional.

Read-Only Text Field creation with API endpoints

To create a Read-Only Text Field use this endpoint:/POST /fields/{signatureRequestId}/documents/{documentId}/fields.


Read-Only Text Field appearance

You can configure the font family, color, size, and style variant of a Read-Only Text Field. To do that, you have to fill in the font parameters when creating a Read-Only Text Field with the following values.

familytrue• String of font family name (valid values are available in the API Reference)
• Default value is Inconsolata
colortrue• Hexa string of the desired color
• Default value is #000000
sizetrue• Integer value of the desired pixel size
• Min size: 7px
• Max size: 96px
• Default values is 12px
variantstrueObject containing the following possible values: "variants": { "italic": false, "bold": false }

⚠️  If a font node is provided, then height and width properties become mandatory, and Field sizes will not be automatically calculated.