Signature levels and authentication

When adding a new signer to your signature request, you need to define the security settings for their signature. This is determined by two key parameters:

  • Signature Level: Specifies the legal and technical requirements for the signature.
  • Authentication Mode: Establishes how the signer’s identity will be verified.

Choose the Signature Level with the signature_level parameter

Choose the security level among the three signature levels:

Signature levelValue
Simple eSignature, useful for online signatures for your daily workelectronic_signature
Advanced eSignature, to secure signatures for your sensitive documents (available as an add-on)advanced_electronic_signature
Qualified eSignature, which is the legal equivalent of a handwritten signature (available as an add-on)qualified_electronic_signature

Each signature level provides additional security and legal validity to ensure optimal risk management for all your documents.

Learn more about signature levels here.

Choose the Authentication Mode with the signature_authentication_mode parameter

Authentication is an additional step that requires the signer to confirm their identity before being able to sign documents.

Choose the Signer authentication method:

Authentication modeValue
Without security code (One-Time-Password)no_otp
Security code (One-Time-Password) sent by Emailotp_email
Security code (One-Time-Password) sent by SMSotp_sms

The availability of these different modes depends on the Signature Level. For example, the no_otp mode is only available for the Simple eSignature level.

Learn more about authentication modes here.