
What can you expect from this page?

Hi there, Yousign Community!

Our goal with this page is to provide you with a clear overview of the recent topics tackled, as well as the features and improvements we're currently working on. We also want to share our ideas for the future with you.

We will be updating this page regularly to ensure you have the latest news about our API. Stay tuned!

How does it work?

On this page, you will find 3 categories:

  • "Our latest releases" for recently developed improvements. On this page, only the five most recent and major improvements are displayed. If you are looking for all the changes we did, you can have a look at our changelog.
  • "In progress" for topics under development. You should be able to access those exciting news in the near future.
  • "Thinking about it" for some of the ideas we have for the future.

Yousign's API roadmap


Our latest releases

  • Sign with a signature image in custom-made signing flows. More info.
  • Simplified seal and sign process. More info.
  • Add and remove users from Workspaces. More info.
  • Webhooks improvements. More info.
  • OTP by SMS personalisation. More info.
  • Yousign API integration toolkit for Salesforce. More info.


In progress

  • Consumption tracking.
  • User management through the API.
  • Signer's consent collection.
  • KYC (beta)


Thinking about it

  • Improve Signer notifications granularity.
  • Manipulate labels with the API.
  • Sandbox template duplication into Production.
  • API trials experience improvement.
  • And many other exciting ideas ✨

Something is missing?

Not everything we work on is displayed here but if you feel that something is missing and want to share it with us, it can be done using the form below ⬇️