Re-use a sealed document

Learn how to perform sealed actions without the need to re-upload a Document.

Seal & Sign a Same Document

You can add a Document previously sealed to a Signature Request (seeย How to create an electronic Sealย for details about Sealed Document).

Use the Add Document endpoint POST /signature_requests/{signatureRequestId}/documents (same endpoint as Upload Document but accept in JSON format).

Provide theย electronic_seal_document_idย when you add the Document to your Signature Request instead of uploading it.

Reuse Document for Multiple Seals

You can add a new seal to a Document previously Sealed. This will automatically create a new electronic_seal_document_id so your original sealed document remain intact.

Create you new Document using POST /electronic_seal_documents (same endpoint to Upload Electronic Seal Document, now accepting JSON format) and use the electronic_seal_document_id from a previous sealed document.