Delivery mode

For each Signature Request, it is possible to specify a Delivery Mode. The Delivery Mode allows you to specify who is in charge to notify the Signature Request's participant when an event occurs. You will find more information about the different events on our Webhooks sections.

For example, if you have a Signature Request with only one Signer:

  • In Delivery Mode "email", the Signer will be notified by Yousign that he has to sign a document.
  • In Delivery Mode "none", you will be in charge to notify the Signer that a document is ready to be signed.
Who handles notificationsDelivery mode EmailDelivery mode None
Signers notificationsYousignIntegrator
Approvers notificationsYousignIntegrator
Followers notificationsYousignIntegrator
Identity verification contentYousignYousign
Signer/Approver/Follower renewal linkYousignYousign

Delivery Mode Email

This is the best option if you want to delegate email management to Yousign. All notifications will be sent by Yousign to the different participants: Approvers, Signers and Followers.
If needed, you can retrieve the Signature links, they will be included in the response payload when you activate the Signature Request.

It is possible to personalize the notifications sent to the participant within a Custom Experience in the "Notification" section.


iFrame must not be used with Delivery Mode email

We recommand to only iFrame a Signature Request with Delivery Mode set to none.
Doing otherwise (with Delivery Mode set to email ) would conduct to unpredictible errors.

Delivery Mode None

This option should be used for two different reasons:

  • You don't want to send any emails to the participants. This implies that everything is automated from beginning to end in your product and, the Signers and Approvers don’t need to receive emails to complete the signature process.
  • You want to send the notifications to the participants by yourself using your favourite channel (email, SMS, or any other channel).

To leverage the Delivery Mode None you will have to rely on two different concepts:

  • You will have to retrieve the signature and approvals links in the API response to the different calls that you will perform.
  • You will have to use the webhooks to react to the different events occurring if your use case needs it.


The Signature Request status "Notified" doesn't have the same meaning with the Delivery Mode None

In Delivery Mode Email, the Signer's status "notified" implies that this Signer has been notified by Yousign.
In Delivery Mode None, the Signer's status "notified" implies that this Signer is ready to be notified. It's now up to you to do so.

How to retrieve the Approver link?

Retrieving the Approvers links is very straightforward, they will be included in the response payload when you activate the Signature Request.

How to retrieve the Signature link?

Use caseHow to retrieve the Signature link
One or many non-ordered Signers - No ApproversAll the Signature links are included in the activation response payload.
One or many ordered Signers - No Approvers1 - The Signature link of the first Signer will be included in the activation response payload.
2 - When the first Signer will sign the document, the next Signer's status will change to "notified".
3 - The next Signer id can be retrieved in the Signer.notified Webhook and used to get the Signature link using this endpoint.
4 - Repeat step #3 until no Signer is left to sign.
One or many non-ordered Signers - One or many Approvers1 - When the Signature will be approved, the Signature_request.approved Webhook will be sent and all Signers will have the "notified" status.
2 - Use this endpoint to get the Signature link for all Signers .
One or many ordered Signers - One or many Approvers1 - When the Signature will be approved, the Signature_request.approved Webhook will be sent and the first Signer will have the "notified" status.
2 - Use this endpoint to get the first Signature link.
3 - When the first Signer will sign the document, the next Signer's status will change to "notified".
4 - The next Signer id can be retrieved in the Signer.notified Webhook and used to get the Signature link using this endpoint.
5 - Repeat step #4 until no Signer is left to sign.

On the next page, you will find an example with implementation details showing how the Delivery Mode works with no Approvers and Ordered Signers.