
Two environments are available: Sandbox and Production

Yousign API offers two environments:

  • The Sandbox environment is the test environment of our API.
    When you test Yousign API, you have access to our Sandbox environment for the duration of the free trial, and you keep access to it once you become a customer.
  • The Production environment for your live Signature Requests.

The Sandbox environment is isolated from the production one. This isolation allows developers and testers to experiment with new code and features without affecting the live production environment.

When you create your API key, you can specify which environment you want to use, be sure to select the right environment at its creation.


The Sandbox environment is free and unlimited during the API 40-day trial period and available with a subscription, but comes with some limitations:


Sandbox limitations

  • Data generated in the Sandbox is strictly isolated from data generated in Production
  • All documents included in a Signature Request are watermarked
  • Signatures are not legally binding
  • A visual signature representation is placed at each requested signature position on the generated documents, however please note that no electronic signatures are included


Sandbox & Webhooks

  • If you are testing the API, you only have access to the Sandbox environment. You are limited in the webhooks creation: you can create Webhooks only from the application, and not from the API.

  • Once you have access to the production environment, if you want to continue carrying out tests including Webhook notifications, you can create a Webhook Subscription with the environment set to sandbox.
    You will receive the same Webhooks you would receive in Production, the only difference will be the parameter Sandbox which will be equal to true

Signature levels in sandbox


For more information about signature levels please refer to the corresponding section .


From free to paid account


The production environment is the live environment where users interact with the actual API. It is used for live operations.

Some resources are shared between both environments: