Signature Request Templates will allow you to simplify your integration if:

  • you regularly send the same document - it prevents you from uploading several time the same document
  • you regularly send a document to the same set of signers or approvers

Templates provide a way to create a Signature Request skeleton in which you may have:

  • One or multiple signable documents (mandatory)
  • One or multiple attachments (optional)
  • One or multiple Signers, Approvers, Followers (optional)
  • One of multiple fields (optional)

All the endpoints available to manage Templates can be found in our API Reference.

Template creation

To create a template, you need to go to the template section.

Once the template is created, you will need to copy its id, useful later on to create a Signature Request.


Template scope

Templates created in Sandbox can only be used to create Signature Requests in Sandbox.

You need to create a Template in production to use it to create Signature Requests in Production.

Create a Signature Request based on a template.

To create a Signature Request based on a template, you must use the template_id parameter in the /POST /signature_requests query.

Example 1: template with only one document

In this example, we create a Signature Request based on a template with only one document.

Once the signature request is created, you still have to:

  • add signers and fields, approvers, followers, etc.
  • activate the signature request.

In this example we create a Signature Request based on a template, and then we add a Signer.

Once the Signature Request is created and the Signer added, you only have to activate it.

  "name": "A new SR from a template",
  "delivery_mode": "email",
  "reminder_settings": {
        "interval_in_days": 7,
        "max_occurrences": 5
  "template_id": "9a93d3b5-fb3b-4abf-9e70-26315b33506c"
    "email_notification": {
        "sender": {
            "type": "organization",
            "custom_name": null
    "id": "46c8657b-8cf0-4c7e-a0b8-35d1d2987d59",
    "source": "public_api",
    "status": "draft",
    "name": "A new SR from a template",
    "created_at": "2023-10-12T08:38:21+00:00",
    "email_custom_note": null,
    "ordered_signers": false,
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
    "reminder_settings": {
        "interval_in_days": 7,
        "max_occurrences": 5
    "expiration_date": "2024-04-12T21:59:00+00:00",
    "delivery_mode": "email",
    "documents": [
            "id": "ced907c4-c097-48e6-8948-abcd8dd9df6f",
            "nature": "signable_document"
    "signers": [],
    "external_id": null,
    "branding_id": null,
    "custom_experience_id": null,
    "sender": null,
    "workspace_id": "7e7895fe-f647-47d0-9a75-da811834d092",
    "audit_trail_locale": "en",
    "signers_allowed_to_decline": false
  "info": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone_number": "+33760047242",
    "locale": "fr"
  "signature_level": "electronic_signature",
  "signature_authentication_mode": "otp_sms",
  "fields": [
      "document_id": "ced907c4-c097-48e6-8948-abcd8dd9df6f",
      "type": "signature",
      "page": 1,
      "width": 180,
      "x": 400,
      "y": 650
  "redirect_urls": {
    "success": "",
    "error": ""

Example 2: template with a document and two signers

In this example, we create a Signature Request based on a template with a document and two signers with a Signature field.

Before activation, you can still add or modify signers, fields, approvers, followers, or customisation elements. In this example, we are going to update the email address.

Once the signature request is created, you only have to activate it.

    "name": "A new SR from a template",
    "delivery_mode": "email",
    "reminder_settings": {
        "interval_in_days": 7,
        "max_occurrences": 5
    "email_notification": {
        "sender": {
            "type": "organization",
            "custom_name": null
    "id": "56b42aba-9a72-4de0-945f-add0f05dce74",
    "source": "public_api",
    "status": "draft",
    "name": "A new SR from a template",
    "created_at": "2023-10-12T08:43:22+00:00",
    "email_custom_note": null,
    "ordered_signers": false,
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
    "reminder_settings": {
        "interval_in_days": 7,
        "max_occurrences": 5
    "expiration_date": "2024-04-12T21:59:00+00:00",
    "delivery_mode": "email",
    "documents": [
            "id": "9ec1376b-c2c9-44d6-862c-40e052e81a48",
            "nature": "signable_document"
    "signers": [
            "id": "e3040fe3-232f-4edc-8f27-5a3a6b9ba752",
            "status": "initiated",
            "delivery_mode": null
            "id": "fdf54ea9-81c8-49a6-bbc8-1de9d23b2e29",
            "status": "initiated",
            "delivery_mode": null
    "external_id": null,
    "branding_id": null,
    "custom_experience_id": null,
    "sender": null,
    "workspace_id": "7e7895fe-f647-47d0-9a75-da811834d092",
    "audit_trail_locale": "en",
    "signers_allowed_to_decline": false
  "info": {
        "email": "[email protected]"