Field creation with API endpoints

You can create and edit Fields with an API endpoint

A Field created with an API endpoint is a Field that is explicitly positioned on a Document via the API, by specifying the page number and precise coordinates (X/Y).

Unlike Smart Anchors, which rely on text-based placeholders included in the Document, Manual Fields require an exact placement definition once the Document is uploaded on Yousign.

Each Manual Field must be associated with either a Signer or a Document.

How to create Fields with API endpoints?

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a Signature Request, upload a Document and add a Signer.
  2. Add Fields to your Signature Request using this endpoint: /POST signature_requests/{signatureRequestId}/documents/{documentId}/field

Mandatory parameters

For each manual field, you should at least set the following parameters:

signer_idId of the Signer on which the Field will be attached
document_idId of the Document on which the Field will be added
typeThe type of Field.
pageThe page of the Document on which the Field is positioned
xThe top-left x coordinates of the Field with the x-axis starting at the left of the page
yThe top-left y coordinates of the Field with the y-axis starting at the top of the page


All coordinates are based on the top left of the page.

We will take an example of a PDF document in A4 format (width: 596px, height: 842px).

On this page:

  • The top left coordinate of the page is x0, y0.
  • The Signer 1’s Signature Field coordinate is x1, y1.
  • The Signer 2’s Signature Field coordinate is x2, y2.


If you're unsure about field placement, try PlaceIt a tool designed to help with coordinate management: upload your document, position your field, and instantly retrieve the correct coordinates.

Why create Fields with API endpoints?

Fields created with API endpoints are particularly useful when:

  • You need a very precise placement for each Field.
  • You need to customise the Field appearance.
  • Your document generation tool or format does not support Smart Anchors.
  • You are dynamically generating documents and defining Field positions programmatically.
  • You want to add Fields at different times—either when creating a Signer or updating an existing Signature Request.