Electronic Signature
Focus on the Electronic Signature
Our Electronic Signature API enables to integrate secure, legally-binding electronic signatures into your workflows. It ensures strong authentication, proof of consent, and document integrity. Certified under the eIDAS regulation, it provides a trusted solution that meets the highest security and compliance standards.
Learn more about electronic signature in this article.
The Signature Request
At Yousign, a Signature Request is the process of setting up and sending documents for electronic signature. It includes adding documents, specifying who will sign or approve them, and defining signature fields. Once everything is ready, the request is activated, and recipients are invited to sign through a secure interface.
For a step-by-step guide on how to create your first Signature Request, refer to this guide.
Here is an overview of how the Signature Request works:
1. Create a new Signature Request resource
The first step is to create a new Signature Request resource. You can customize it by setting an expiration date, selecting a timezone, and adjusting other parameters.
2. Add Documents to the Request
You must add at least one signable Document to the Signature Request.
You can also add attachments.
3. Add Signers
The Signer is the person who will sign a Signature Request.
You must add at least one Signer to the Signature Request.
Setup signature security
For each signer added to the signature request, you must choose:
- A signature level (SES, AES or QES): defines the security and legal requirements for the signature, ranging from basic to highly secure and compliant.
- An authentication mode (none, email or SMS): Specifies how the signer’s identity will be verified, such as through email or SMS.
Other Signers features:
- Order signers, so each signer will be requested to sign in a sequential order.
- Signer consent request: collect one or multiple consents (e.g., agreements or acknowledgments) from your Signers during their signature process.
- Signer document request: collect documents from your Signers during their signature process.
4. Add Fields
Fields are dynamic content that will appear on a Document. The most common type is the signature field, but it can also be a mention, radio button, checkbox, read-only text, etc.
You must add at least one signature Field for each Signer.
You can add fields one by one with the API or detect smart anchors automatically on your document.
5. Add Approvers and Followers (optional)
An Approver is a person who is responsible for validating a Signature Request. Signers will not be able to sign a Signature Request until every Approver has given their approbation.
A Follower is a person who is kept informed about the Signature Request process. They receive notifications and can access the Signature Requests’ details (documents, recipients, status...).
6. Activate the Signature Request
Once activated, the Signature Request is shared to the recipients by email.
- Approvers are invited to approve the Signature Request. They can access the approval interface from the email.
- Followers are notified with the Signature Request’s details
- Signers are invited to sign the document(s), once all approvers have approved (if any). They can access the signature interface from the email.
Email notifications are entirely managed by Yousign, we trigger them automatically.
You can customize the content of email notifications, and setup reminder settings.
If you don’t want Yousign to send emails to recipients, you can decide to manage de Signature Request delivery by yourself.
7. Signing the Documents
Signers can sign the Signature Request from the signature interface provided by Yousign.
You can customize the signature interface with Custom Experiences, by personalizing the appearance (logo, colours, start screen, etc.), redirecting signers to custom pages, and more.
You can also embed the signature interface within your own context within an iframe.
For a more advanced integration, you can develop your own signature flow so your signers won’t go through Yousign signature interface.
8. Download signed documents and Audit trails
Once the documents are signed, you can download the signed Documents and the Audit Trail.
The Audit trail is set of documents generated once a Signature Request is completed. Those documents gather all the information linked to the request, and they are stored securely for 10 years.
Advanced Signature Request management
You can put your Signature Request into a separate Workspaces to ensure the confidentiality of documents between your users, reflect the organization of your company (departments, subsidiaries, agencies...), or partition end customers if you are an ISV (Independent Software Vendor).
You can use Metadata to attach extra information to a Signature Request. It can be a user ID, a subscription number, or any other value used to easily synchronise information in your system.
You can create Templates in the Yousign app, and use those Templates to create Signature Requests in no time. These Templates allow you to pre-configure all aspects of a Signature Request, such as the Document, Signers, Fields, and settings.
Updated about 1 month ago