Notification management
Discover the options to fit your use case
Yousign API offers several integrations and ways to manage notifications to fit your use case.
Here are the possibilities you have:
Scenario | Description |
✉️ Notification managed by Yousign | Yousign is in charge of sending emails to notify Signers and Approvers with the URL of the Signature Request you sent. This scenario is a good trade-off between simplicity and customization. You will be able to personalize partially emails using the Custom Experience feature. 👍 Pros: Easy to use 👎 Cons: Fewer customization options for notifications |
📧 Notification managed by yourself | You are in charge of sending the signature link (URL) of the Signature Request to Signers and Approvers. This scenario is perfect if you need complete control of the notifications sent to the Signers. 👍 Pros: Notification of signature is fully customizable 👎 Cons: You have to manage your own notifications delivery system |
🛣 Signature Experience integrated in your product using redirect URL | This scenario allows you to integrate the Signature Flow within your own context without using an iFrame. You can redirect the users to a secure and customizable page to sign and then, send them back to your own context. 👍 Pros: Continuous experience for your users and no need to integrate iFrame in your product. Customizable look and feel using Custom Experiences 👎 Cons: Domain changes |
🪟 Signature Experience integrated in your product using iFrame | This scenario allows you to integrate the Signature Flow within your own context using an iframe. You can listen to Javascript events to operate redirection at the end of the process. 👍 Pros: No visible change of domains, you have access to an SDK to help you integrate iFraming 👎 Cons: Some browsers can have issues with iFrame embedding and iFrame size can affect signature flow appearance. Some issues may happen if you use an iFrame for a Signature Request in delivery mode email. |
To learn more about the delivery mode, you can consult our dedicated documentation.
Updated about 1 month ago