Request a bank account verification

On this page, you will learn how to initiate a new bank account verification using the API.

To initiate a new bank account verification, send the file containing the bank account details using the following endpoint:

POST /bank_account_verifications

curl --location --request POST '{baseUrl}/bank_account_verifications' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/the/document/bank_details.jpeg"' 
	"id": "14bf533c-964f-4927-8267-b577d2776321"
Query ParamTypeDescription
filefileThe file containing the bank account details.
Accepted formats: PNG, JPEG, PDF.
Max size: 10 MB.
first_namestring[optional]The first name of the bank account holder.
The first name provided must match exactly as it appears on the file containing the bank account details, as a consistency check will be performed. Do not include any honorary titles.
last_namestring[optional]The last name of the bank account holder.
The last name provided must match exactly as it appears on the file containing the bank account details, as a consistency check will be performed. Do not include any honorary titles.
ibanstring[optional] You may provide an IBAN for comparison with the one extracted from the file containing the bank account details.
bicstring[optional] You may provide a BIC for comparison with the one extracted from the file containing the bank account details.

In the response, you'll find the id. This value is required to retrieve the verification results.