Follow identity verification status
On this page, you will find comprehensive information about the identity verification lifecycle.
Verification statuses
The identity verification lifecycle consists of the following stages:
Status | Description | Recommended action |
pending | The identity verification has been created. | Share the verification_url with the individual whose identity needs to be verified. |
capture_in_progress | The individual has begun the mobile process and is capturing their ID document. | Wait for the status to change. |
checks_in_progress | Identity verification checks are currently underway. | Wait for the status to change. |
approved | The identity has been successfully verified. | Proceed with accepting the request that required identity verification. |
declined | The identity verification failed due to certain issues (refer to the status codes section below). | Reject the request that required identity verification. If needed, initiate a new identity verification. |
retry_required | Verification could not be completed (e.g., the link expired, the capture was interrupted, or some required checks were missing, preventing a decision from being made). | Initiate a retry by creating a new identity verification. |
These statuses are currently under review and may change in the coming weeks.
Status codes
If the verification is declined
, the status codes can help diagnose the issue. A declined
verification may include multiple reason codes.
Code | Type | Description |
62101 | Document issue | The individual presented an expired document. |
62102 | Document issue | The individual presented a document type that is not accepted. |
62103 | Document issue | The individual submitted a damaged document. |
62201 | Copy document | The individual presented a photocopy of the document. |
62202 | Copy document | The individual presented the document on a screen. |
62301 | Identity fraud | The individual submitted a counterfeit or falsified document. |
62302 | Identity fraud | The individual presented a document reported as stolen or lost. |
62303 | Identity fraud | The individual presented the front and back of two different documents. |
62307 | Identity fraud | The individual digitally altered the videos. |
62401 | Suspicious behavior | The individual's identity does not match the declared information. |
62402 | Suspicious behavior | The individual used a device that has been technically altered. |
62403 | Suspicious behavior | The individual seems to have performed the capture under duress. |
These status codes are currently under review and may change in the coming weeks.
Updated 23 days ago