Follow video identity verification status

On this page, you will find comprehensive information about the identity verification lifecycle.

Verification statuses

The identity verification lifecycle consists of the following stages:

StatusDescriptionRecommended action
pendingThe video identity verification has been been initiated.Share the verification_url with the individual whose identity needs to be verified.
Then wait for the status to change.
inconclusiveThe verification could not be completed.
For more details, refer to the status codes section below.
Initiate a retry by creating a new video identity verification.
approvedThe identity has been successfully verified.Proceed with accepting the request that required identity verification.
declinedThe identity verification failed due to certain issues (refer to the status codes section below).Reject the request that required identity verification. If needed, initiate a new video identity verification.

Status codes

If the verification is inconclusive or declined, the status codes can help diagnose the issue. A verification may include multiple reason codes.

STATUS: inconclusive


Unlike declined or approved statuses, an inconclusive verification does not incur a charge to the client.

1101Engagement issueThe individual never started the flow.
1111Engagement issueThe individual explicitly stated that they wanted to perform the identity verification later by clicking on the dedicated button.
1112Engagement issueThe individual explicitly stated that they did not have their document with them by clicking on the dedicated button.
1113Engagement issueThe individual did not give access to the camera despite the dedicated instructions.
1121Engagement issueThe individual left the process before the capture phase and the verification URL expired (after 15 minutes).
3001Engagement issueThe individual explicitly refused to do the verification process by clicking on the dedicated button.
1201Technical issueThe individual did not have a sufficient connexion to perform the capture.
1202Technical issueThe individual’s browser was not suitable for video streaming.
1203Technical issueThe individual’s device did not have any camera.
1204Technical issueThe individual switched tabs/application while performing the identity verification.
1205Technical issueThe individual did not receive the SMS they requested to start the identity verification.
1301Document capture issueThe individual document video is too blurry
(mostly due to too much movement but if this error persists the camera quality might be at fault).
1302Document capture issueThe individual performed the document capture under poor lighting conditions.
1310Document capture issueThe individual has not captured the front of the document.
1311Document capture issueThe individual has not captured the back of the document.
1312Document capture issueThe individual hides part of the document.
1313Document capture issueThe individual did not present a dynamic view of the document.
1314Document capture issueThe individual failed to meet the document challenge and the verification expired.
1315Document capture issueThe barcode of the document is unreadable.
1401Face capture issueThe individual’s video of their face is too blurry
(mostly due to too much movement but if this error persists the camera quality might be at fault).
1402Face capture issueThe individual performed their identity verification under poor lighting conditions.
1410Face capture issueThe individual has not presented a face.
1411Face capture issueThe individual did not show the full front view of their face.
1412Face capture issueThe individual did not move to prove the liveness.
1413Face capture issueThe individual failed to meet the face challenge and the verification expired.
1414Face capture issueThe individual also captured another person face.
1901Other issueAn internal error prevents us from completing the verification, we do our best to reduce the occurrence of this case.
1911Other issueThe received videos cannot be played.

STATUS: declined

2101Document issueThe individual presented an expired document.
2102Document issueThe individual presented a document type that is not accepted.
2103Document issueThe individual submitted a damaged document.
2201Copy issueThe individual presented a photocopy of the document.
2202Copy issueThe individual presented the document on a screen.
2301Identity fraudThe individual submitted a counterfeit or falsified document.
2302Identity fraudThe individual presented a document reported as stolen or lost.
2303Identity fraudThe individual presented the front and back of two different documents.
2304Identity fraudThe individual does not match the photograph of the document.
2305Identity fraudThe individual has presented a photography or a video of someone else's face on a screen or on a physical medium.
2306Identity fraudThe individual altered their appearance.
2307Identity fraudThe individual digitally altered the videos.
2311Identity fraudThe individual of the face authentication is not the one who performed the identity verification.
2401Consistency issueThe individual's identity does not match the declared information.
2402Suspicious behaviorThe individual used a device that has been technically altered.
2403Suspicious behaviorThe individual seems to have performed the capture under duress.