resource.not_found | This error corresponds to the 404 HTTP error for any resource. |
about:blank | This error depends on the context. Please read the description when this error occurs for more information. |
parameters_not_valid | You have some invalid params in your payload. |
approver.already_attached_to_signature_request | An Approver with the same information is already attached to the Signature Request. |
approver.status_not_compatible | The Approver must be in the right status to perform this action. |
audit_trail.not_ready_for_download | The audit trail is not ready to be downloaded yet. |
configuration.archive_y_identifier_required | Unable to archive the file because the archive Y identifier is missing for the organization. |
configuration.not_enabled | A given feature is required to perform this action. |
consumption.date_out_of_range | The given date range is out of the valid range. |
contact.workspace_not_identical | A contact restricted to a single workspace cannot be used as a signer or Approver for a Signature Request from another workspace. |
data_deletion.not_found | Data deletion cannot be found. |
data_deletion.request_already_exists | Data deletion request already exists for organization. |
date.out_of_range | The given date range is invalid: the start date is greater than the end date. |
document.already_attached_to_a_signature_request | The Document is already attached to a Signature Request. To attach a Document to another Signature Request you need to re-upload it first. |
document.already_attached_to_an_electronic_seal | The Document is already used for another electronic seal. |
document.analyze_error | An error has been detected on the given Document. |
document.delete_failed | The given Document could not be permanently deleted. |
document.has_failed | Failed to check if a given Document exists |
document.locked | Document is locked, you need to provide its password before adding Signers. |
document.not_replaceable | Unable to replace the Document. |
document.not_unlockable | Cannot upload the Document because it fails to be unlocked. |
document.not_usable | The Document is not valid. For example its extension is invalid, or it's not readable. |
document.not_compatible | The Document is not compatible with the current action. |
document.not_valid_attachment | Document cannot be marked as attachment. |
document.number_of_pages_limit_exceeded | The file has too much pages than allowed. |
document.size_too_large | Size of Document is too large to be performed. |
document.storage_failed | An error occurred while processing the Document. |
electronic_seal.signature_level_not_enabled | The Organization is unable to create electronic seal with "electronic_signature" level. |
electronic_seal.status_not_compatible | Cannot add an unsealed Electronic Seal Document to the Signature Request. |
electronic_seal.too_many_fields | The limit of Fields for the electronic seal has been reached. |
electronic_seal_image.limit_reached | The limit of images for the electronic seal has been reached. |
field.answer_required | Unable to sign the Document because a field requires an answer. |
field.cannot_update_dimensions | Unable to update dimensions of a given Document. |
field.checkbox_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.dimensions_not_valid | The dimensions for the Field are invalid. |
field.initials_area_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.mention_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.non_unique | A Field contains value options with duplicate names but must be unique. |
field.only_one_of_type_signature_per_document_and_signer | With the current signature level, only one signature Field per Document and per signer is allowed. |
field.out_of_document_bounds | Unable to add a Field on a given Document because it is too small. |
field.radio_button_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.read_only_text_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.signer_not_allowed | The provided Field cannot be attached to a Signer. |
field.text_field_configuration_not_enabled | The given configuration is not enabled for this organization. |
field.type_not_allowed_for_document | Unauthorized to add initials area Field because the Document is already signed or Field is not allowed for this nature of Document. |
field.type_not_compatible | Unable to provide an answer to a Field which does not wait for an answer. |
follower.already_attached_to_signature_request | Follower already exists in the Signature Request |
follower.already_attached_to_template | Follower already exists in the given Template. |
otp.no_longer_usable | The given OTP (one-time password) cannot be used. |
otp.phone_number_not_compatible | The phone number is not compatible with the current OTP mechanism. |
otp.too_many_requests | Too many OTP requests done in the allowed time frame. |
otp.not_valid | Too many OTP requests done in the allowed time frame. |
radio_group.radio_not_found | A Radio Group does not have a Radio Button with the given name. |
request.ip_not_valid | The given ip address is not correct. |
signature_request.bulk_sent | Cannot process the Signature Request that was created through a bulk send. |
signature_request.decline_to_sign_not_allowed | Organization does not authorize activation of "decline to sign" on Signature Request. |
signature_request.delivery_mode_not_compatible | The current action is not compatible with the current delivery mode. |
signature_request.expiration_date_out_of_range | The given Signature Request's expiration date is not within the allowed range. |
signature_request.expired | Signature Request cannot be sent because its expiration date has passed. |
signature_request.metadata_already_exists | The Signature Request already has metadata. You can still update them. |
signature_request.migrated | The Signature Request is migrated from an older version, it cannot be permanently deleted. |
signature_request.no_document | The Signature Request doesn't have any Document, therefore the actual action cannot be performed. |
signature_request.not_activatable | The Signature Request cannot be activated in its current state. |
signature_request.not_reactivable | The Signature Request can't be reactivated. |
signature_request.sender_not_valid | There is an error in the Signature Request's sender configuration. |
signature_request.sequential_signing_required_for_signature_level | Sequential signing must be enabled for the given signature level. |
signature_request.signable_document_required | Signature Request does not have any signable Document, thus it cannot be sent. |
signature_request.signature_image_type_not_allowed | Signature Request does not allow to sign with a signature image. |
signature_request.signer_required | Signature Request does not have any recipient, thus it cannot be sent. |
signature_request.source_not_valid | The Signature Request has been created from the Yousign application, thus it cannot be activated from the API. |
signature_request.status_not_compatible | The actual action is not compatible with the Signature Request's status. |
signature_request.status_not_compatible_with_request | Signature Request status is not draft, thus you are unable to add an Approver. |
signature_request.template_with_signer_placeholder_not_allowed | The Signature Request can't be initiated from a Template having a Signer placeholder. |
signature_request.too_many_approvers | Unable to add an Approver because you reached the maximum number allowed on this Signature Request. |
signature_request.too_many_documents | The number of Documents in the Signature Request is greater than the authorized number. |
signature_request.too_many_fields | The Fields limit for Signature Request has been exceeded. |
signature_request.too_many_followers | Too many followers on the Signature Request. |
signature_request.too_many_signers | The number of signers in the Signature Request is greater than the authorized number. |
signer.already_attached_to_signature_request | A Signer with the same information is already attached to the Signature Request. |
signer.authentication_mode_not_allowed_for_signature_level | The authentication mode and the signature level for the signer are not compatible. |
signer.authentication_mode_not_compatible | The Signer authentication mode is not compatible with the current action. |
signer.authentication_mode_not_enabled_for_signature_level | The signature level with the given authentication mode is not enabled for your organization. |
signer.cannot_be_unblocked | The Signer cannot be unblocked because the Signature Request "%s" is not ongoing. |
signer.consent_date_not_valid | The Signer's consent date must be between the date the Signature Request is sent and now. |
signer.disabled_notification_not_allowed | The feature "Disabled Email Notifications" is not available with your current plan. |
signer.field_required | The Signer does not have any Field. You need at least one Field per Signer. |
signer.identification_status_not_compatible | Unable to update a Signer with the current identification status. |
signer.otp_not_expected | The Signer's authentication mode is "%s" thus OTP is not expected. |
signer.otp_required | The Signer is associated to an authentication mode requiring an OTP (one-time password). |
signer.phone_number_required | Signer's phone number is required in this case. |
signer.reordering_not_allowed | Reordering Signers is not allowed in this context. |
signer.signature_level_not_available | The given signature level for Signer is not available in the current context. |
signer.signature_level_not_compatible | The Signer signature level is not compatible with the current action. |
signer.signature_level_not_enabled | The signature level is not enabled for your organization. |
signer.signature_level_not_identical_for_all | All Signers should have the same signature level for this specific Signature Request level. |
signer.status_not_compatible | The current action is not compatible with the Signer's status. |
signer_consent_request.limit_reached | Unable to add a Signer Consent Request because you reached the maximum allowed quota on this Signature Request. |
signer_consent_request.signer_required | Signer Document Requests are not linked to any Signer. You need at least one Signer per Signer Document Request. |
signer_document_request.limit_reached | Unable to add a Signer Document Request because you reached the maximum allowed quota on this Signature Request. |
signer_document_request.signer_required | Signer Document Requests are not linked to any Signer. You need at least one Signer per Signer Document Request. |
smart_anchor.parsing_failed | Unable to parse smart anchors for the given Document. |
subscription.limit_reached | You have reached the limit of your subscription quota. |
subscription.plan_type_not_compatible | The data deletion cannot be requested when the subscription is not compatible. |
subscription.status_not_compatible | The current status of the subscription is in conflict with the action to fulfil. |
template.all_placeholders_not_replaced | All placeholder Signers defined in a given Template must be replaced. |
template.create_from_signature_request_require_documents | The Signature Request requires the conversion of at least one Document into a Template. |
template.limit_reached | Unable to create a Signature Request because the maximum number of Templates has been exceeded. |
template.sender_not_compatible | Cannot create a Signature Request from the given Template because the sender type "user" is not compatible. |
template.status_not_compatible | The given Template is not in the right status to perform your action. |
template.too_many_fields | The Fields limit for Template has been exceeded. |
template.too_many_followers | Too many followers on the template. |
template.workspace_not_identical | Given Workspace does not match the one set for the Template. |
user.already_attached_to_workspace | User already attached to Workspace. |
user.already_exists | A User with this email address already exists. |
user.email_not_allowed_for_sso | Email in not allowed in the context of SSO. |
user.invitation_already_exists | An Invitation with the given email already exists. |
user.invitation_not_accepted | The User status is "invited", so it cannot be updated. |
user.not_active | The User is currently suspended, so no changes can be made. |
user.owner | The User is the current Organization's owner, so no changes can be made. |
user.state_not_valid | The User has no first name and/or last name. |
user.status_not_compatible | The User status is not "invited". |
user.workspace_required | User must be in at least one Workspace. |
webhook_subscription.workspace_required | Webhook Subscription is not associated with any Workspace but at least one Workspace is required. |
workspace.already_as_default | The given Workspace is already the default one of the organization. |
workspace.already_deleted | The given workspace has already been deleted. |
workspace.deletion_not_allowed | Unable to delete a given Workspace for a specific reason. |