🎨 Yousign's API now allows signing a Signature Request without asking Signers to go through Yousign's pre-made signing flow (in an iFrame or directly on Yousign's platform).

Indeed, you have the opportunity to build your own signing flow, matching your needs. This is particularly useful if:

  • You want to build a custom signing flow.
  • You need to interface with physical devices to collect signatures (such as a signature pad for example).
  • You need to integrate the signing flow into a mobile application, without using Yousign's iFrame or being redirected to Yousign's platform.

For comprehensive instructions on how to use this feature, please refer to our dedicated guide section. A code example is also available.

It is now possible to create a Signature Request from a Template that contains a Placeholder Signer.


What is a Placeholder Signer?

It is a special type of Signer that can be added to a Template. Opting for this type of Signer is suitable if a different person will sign each time a Signature Request is created.

Those Placeholder Signers can be directly replaced by β€œreal” Signers in the payload of the Signature Request initiation endpoint POST /signature_requests (see API reference).

You will find more information on how to leverage Placeholder Signers in our guide section.

🎨 Fields now support custom font families, sizes, and colours.

The following field types now support the font object property: Mention, Text, and Read-only Text.

We have added support for the following font families:

  • Inconsolata
  • Open Sans
  • Lato
  • Raleway
  • Merriweather
  • EB Garamond
  • Comic Neue

Bold and italic styles are now also supported, along with custom font sizes and colours 🎨.

More information about the feature can be found in our guide.

You will also find in the API reference more details about the endpoint.

πŸƒ List Signature Requests

πŸ› Bugs Fixed

  • iFrames: In Sandbox mode, setting the disable_domain_validation parameter to true now correctly allows any referrer by returning the response header frame-ancestors: *.

πŸ—‘οΈ Signature Request can now be permanently delete

We've improved the existing delete endpoint, by adding the new permanent_delete parameter:

  • If the permanent_delete parameter is set on false (by default), the Signature Request is deleted.
  • If the permanent_delete parameter is set on true, the Signature Request is permanently deleted and can’t be retrieved.

More information about the feature can be found in our guide.

You will also find in theΒ API reference more details about the endpoint.

🌟 Fields Management Endpoint

A whole new set of CRUD endpoints are available for Fields management. More information on the API Reference

πŸ› Bugs Fixed

  • Smart Anchor detection improvement in Documents.
  • custom_note is no longer mandatory when calling Cancel a Signature Request
  • Add "declined" to List Signature Request status list in API Reference

For users of our Electronic Seal with the Advanced level, it is now possible to specify which certificate you want to use when performing the Sealing operation. This is done by passing an optional certificate_id field when Creating an Electronic Seal.

Note that the generation of Advanced Seal certificates is a process which requires identification documents for your company and its representatives. Please contact your Yousign customer representative for more information on this topic.