Send a One-Time Password (OTP) to a Signer

Send a One-Time Password (OTP) to a given Signer. Use this endpoint only if you use your own signing flow.

Use this endpoint if you are integrating your own signing flow.

Once the OTP is sent, the Signer must provide it back to complete the Signature Request. You can then provide it to the Sign a Signature Request endpoint to complete the signature on behalf of the Signer.

To use this endpoint, you must match the following conditions:

  • The Signature Request delivery_mode must be set to none.
  • The Signature Request must not have any Approver, Signer Document Request or Signer Consent Request.
  • The Signature Request must not have the parameter signers_allowed_to_decline set to true.
  • The signature level must be "Simple eSignature".
  • Only Fields of type signature are accepted.
  • No more than 5 OTP can be sent to the same Signer.

A cooldown period of 15 seconds must be respected between identical requests.



  • Available from SCALE plan
  • Available during free API trial period
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!