Send a One-Time Password (OTP) to a Signer

Send a One-Time Password (OTP) to a given Signer. Use this endpoint only if you use your own signing flow.

Use this endpoint if you are integrating your own signing flow (Signers won't go through Yousign's pre-made signing flow).

Once the OTP is sent, the Signer must provide it back to complete the Signature Request. You can then provide it to the Sign a Signature Request endpoint to complete the signature on behalf of the Signer.

Related guide: Building your own signing flow


To use this endpoint, you must match the following conditions:

  • You are in free API Trial period or you are on a SCALE plan
  • The Signature Request delivery_mode must be set to none
  • The Signature Request must not have any Approver
  • The Signature Request must not have the parameter signers_allowed_to_decline set to true
  • The signature level must be "Simple eSignature".
  • No Signer Fields can be used, except the Signature Field
  • A otp.too_many_request error will be thrown in case of
    • Same requests are made in a time frame below 15 seconds.
    • More than 5 requests are made for the same OTP.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!